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What Is a Commercial Ice Machine?

Apr. 01, 2021

Fed up on spending money on bagged ice? Finding that you just can’t store enough to meet demand? You need a commercial ice machine

Purchasing an ice machine for your business may seem like a simple choice after all if it makes ice then that’s all you need, right? Wrong. There are many things to consider when purchasing an ice maker to ensure that the model that you choose will be perfect for your individual needs and requirements.

Understanding your many options will help your decision-making process become a lot easier.

What Is a Commercial Ice Machine?

The title says it all; an ice machine makes ice for commercial premises. This could be for food display, drinks of all varieties or medical uses. They will typically have an attached water source and waste outlet drain with a storage bin to hold the ice produced.

The ice cube machine had applied restaurant, hotel, club, café shop and foods, seafood, supermarket, ice shop. There are size, capacity and style to suit every intended purpose.

Ice Cube Machine

Why Buy a Commercial Ice Maker?

Commercial ice machines will generally produce large quantities of ice at a fast rate over a 24 hour period. Designed for high-frequency use, they are manufactured to endure tough working conditions. Fitted with multiple features to deliver performance, efficiency, hygiene, food safety and high quality, long-lasting ice, commercial equipment produces a wide variety of sizes and shapes, each suitable for different uses.

Cube ice maker is a fully automated ice maker with four leading technologies: ice thickness self-regulation, environmental temperature self-adaptation, ice automatic compensation level stabilization and auxiliary condensation pressure stabilization system.

While the majority of units require a mains water connection due to the high output production, small countertop models may be available with manual fill systems for those that only require occasional, light-duty use.

Cleanliness, maintenance and efficiency

It is vital that the ice produced by commercial ice machines is safe and of good quality. As with any other food or consumable product, it should be treated with the same attitude, high standards and precautions.

Cleaning and maintenance

Although manufacturers employ many features to improve the quality of ice and ensure clean, hygienic results, it is vital that users play their part.

To maintain built-in functionality and ensure that the machine can operate at maximum capacity, be sure to follow the appropriate guidelines for regular cleaning. This includes external cleaning with cleaning cloths and soap, deep cleaning of the interior including the storage bins, proper sanitisation of accessories such as spatulas, ensuring that the water filter system (if any) is kept in good working order and running a defrost programme when required.

As the ice machine is always in a humid environment, it creates a major breeding ground for mould and fungi. Failure to observe thorough cleaning measures will result in the production of dirty ice. This can manifest itself in the form of tiny black bacteria and the appearance of mould that has actually frozen in your cube - due to food safety, you cannot supply ice to your customers.


Attention should also be paid to the vents and refrigeration components. Keeping components clean and avoiding dust, dirt and debris build-up can help maximise performance and efficiency. This can easily be done with warm water and a soft cloth.

Your commercial ice-making equipment should be serviced and maintained by a refrigeration engineer at least once a year to ensure smooth operation and optimum service life.